Bao-Nghi LAMY aion

Bao Nghi – LAMY aion

It all starts with a feeling. Form and function are added at the end. In between, I search for the connection – using my LAMY.

Good design requires emotion

What LAMY and Bao-Nghi Droste have in common is a shared design philosophy that understands the emotional value of everyday objects. That's why Bao-Nghi relies on its LAMY aion as a daily companion.

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What makes an object outlast generations? For the industrial designer Bao-Nghi Droste, one thing is clear: “It all comes down to emotions.” For him, functionality goes without saying. To ensure an object remains in use and gives pleasure over many decades, it is much more crucial that it forms an emotional connection with people.

Like LAMY, Bao-Nghi Droste calls Heidelberg his home. In 2007, he set up his own studio there. Born in Stuttgart, he trained as a carpenter and studied industrial design at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. As a freelance industrial designer, he designs products and furniture for various clients and works as a consultant in the field of furniture design for architectural firms. His stylish “T-Serve” kitchen appliance, a little helper for preparing tea, was awarded the iF Design Award in 2008.

LAMY aion

A simple, perfectly proportioned body, a straight clip. This is how minimalist the LAMY aion series presents itself. Designed by British industrial designer Jasper Morrison, it is entirely in keeping with his conviction that good design should be maximally simple - and maximally functional.

The uncompromising modernity of the LAMY aion is revealed in the details - such as the unconventionally shaped nib, the unique finish, as well as the seamless manufacturing "from one cast". 

Made in Germany

Somos una empresa de Heidelberg y uno de los líderes alemanes en la producción de instrumentos de escritura.


Al seguir el principio de la Bauhaus ‘form follows function’ para nosotros el diseño supone un planteamiento integral que va más allá de la pura forma.


Nuestro elevado estándar de la calidad se extiende por toda la cadena de valor desde la tecnología, pasando por la elección de materiales, hasta la producción.

Thinking tools

Nuestras herramientas para la escritura, el dibujo y la pintura ayudan a crear nuevas formas de expresión y a dar forma a los pensamientos.