Martin LAMY Al-star EMR

Martin – LAMY AL-star EMR

Handwriting has a very long tradition. And today we write digitally. I find it exciting to see how rapidly humanity is making progress here.

Innovation is his daily business

Martin Mittermeier has been active in the start-up scene for ten years. With his own company, he helps medium-sized businesses digitize their products. He is driven by what also drives Lamy: Pioneering spirit.


Martin Mittermeier shapes transformation. He helps companies to bring analogue products into the new, digitalised world. For him, it’s not about “either-or”, but about the question of what is good and what makes sense, what stays and what has become obsolete.

When writing, for example, Mittermeier relies on a writing instrument – digital of course – for brainstorming and creative processes. His personal thinking tool is the LAMY AL-star black EMR. This is because it allows him to combine the best of both worlds:

the "flow" in which thoughts are transferred from the head via the hand onto the paper, as well as the option of working directly on his notes in the digital world.

When asked what the next step will be in terms of handwriting, Martin Mittermeier says: “At the moment it's still a vision, but if you really could write on every surface in the future, especially in these times when people are often no longer in the same room at meetings – that would be another major development. That’s where the journey should take us.”

LAMY AL-star black EMR

The LAMY AL-star black EMR offers a natural writing feel with perfect ergonomics. With its interchangeable contact tips and over 4,000 pressure levels, it is just as suitable for writing long texts as it is for making complex sketches and drawings. In this way, it combines the advantages of writing by hand with the

unlimited possibilities for digital processing. It is compatible with most mobile devices that support Wacom EMR technology. These include, for example, the Galaxy Note tablets and smartphones from Samsung, but also many end devices from other manufacturers.

Made in Germany

We are a company from Heidelberg and are one of the leading German manufacturers of writing instruments.


According to the Bauhaus principle “form follows function”, design for us is a holistic approach that goes beyond pure product design.


From technology and materials to production, our high quality standards run through the entire value chain.

Thinking tools

Our tools for writing, drawing and painting help to create new forms of expression and make thoughts tangible.