Ein Tag mit Betty Soldi

We all have ideas and visions that inspire us. And when we put them on paper, they come to life. Because writing by hand is a unique way to tune into the magic of our creativity. LAMY firmly believes that every creative voice deserves to be heard. That's why this spring, a group of lettering enthusiasts got the chance to spend an afternoon with Betty Soldi. All under the motto: "The magic is in your hands".

It's about seeing beauty and inspiration in things. About the challenge of finding joy in letters that don't seem special at first sight.

Betty Soldi
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Bettys Tipps: How to get started with lettering

The most important thing about lettering: The result does not have to be perfect. On the contrary. It's about celebrating small flaws and finding joy in imperfection. To get a feel for it, Betty has the participants write with their eyes closed at the beginning of the workshop. This is a great way to concentrate completely on one's own intuition and letting go. The next exercise: Write words normally and let yourself be inspired by their natural form. Where are curves and sweeps that can be enhanced? Where can details such as small leaves be intuitively added?

Inspiration and where to find it

A blank sheet of paper on the table, a fountain pen in hand - but where to start? It's perfectly normal not to be bubbling over with inspiration all the time, says Betty. Often we have to actively search for it ourselves: By looking at things in our environment with new eyes. A tulip is not only a flower, it can also be used as a brush for writing. And how can the word "flower" be put into the shape of a blossom?

About Betty Soldi

"I use ink to create fireworks on paper", the artist likes to say about herself. As the daughter of a Florentine family that has been producing fireworks by hand since 1869, the mixture of craftsmanship and emotion is in her blood. Today she inspires people all over the world – whether with her book "inkspired", her design studio in Florence or her three magical boutique hotels.

For magic at home

Betty's favourite fountain pen is the LAMY Lx in ruthenium. But her latest favourite is the LAMY pico in neon colours. "For me, the clear focus on functionality is an exciting contrast to the emotions I breathe into my work."

Das Produkt LAMY 2000 Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $279.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: black, silver
Das Produkt LAMY abc Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $26.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: black, blue, red

LAMY abc Fountain Pen

Special Edition
Das Produkt LAMY accent Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $109.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: brillant-by, brillant-ld, silver-black, silver-wood
Das Produkt LAMY aion Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $89.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: black, dark-green, olivesilver
Das Produkt LAMY AL-star Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $47.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: aquatic, aubergine, autumn pink, azure, black, black purple, cosmic, denim, fiery, graphite, lilac, oceanblue, sage, turmaline, white silver

LAMY AL-star Fountain Pen

Special Edition
Das Produkt LAMY AL-star hardcover notebook gift set ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $55.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: black purple, oceanblue
Das Produkt LAMY AL-star Harry Potter Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $57.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin
Das Produkt LAMY cp1 Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $75.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: black
Das Produkt LAMY dialog cc Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $439.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: blue, white
Das Produkt LAMY dialog Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $399.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: black, palladium, pianoblack, pianowhite
Das Produkt LAMY imporium Fountain Pen ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $549.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: black, black-gold, titanium
Das Produkt LAMY joy ist nicht gravierbar, kostet ab $40.00 und hat folgende verfügbare Farben: black

LAMY joy

Made in Germany

We are a company from Heidelberg and are one of the leading German manufacturers of writing instruments.


According to the Bauhaus principle “form follows function”, design for us is a holistic approach that goes beyond pure product design.


From technology and materials to production, our high quality standards run through the entire value chain.

Thinking tools

Our tools for writing, drawing and painting help to create new forms of expression and make thoughts tangible.