Digital Paper

Real writing experience on digital paper

The feeling of writing on real paper, holding an analogue notebook in your hand and at the same time being able to flexibly organise all content and edit notes - all this is possible with the LAMY safari ncode. In collaboration with NeoLAB, LAMY has developed a writing set consisting of a ballpoint pen and notebook that allows you to enjoy working on paper to the full while taking advantage of the benefits of digital handwriting recognition.

A classic design with an innovative approach.

Do not miss out on the benefits of writing with a real pen and become a pioneer of digitalisation at the same time - with the LAMY safari ncode set!

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The benefits of ncode technology

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How does ncode technology work?

There is a fine dot pattern on the sides of the LAMY digital paper notebook. The camera integrated in the LAMY safari ncode – the optoelectronic sensor – uses these points for orientation and transmits the typeface to the app via Bluetooth. If the pen is not connected to the app, it stores the information temporarily so that it can be synchronised with the app later.

LAMY x Neo.LAB – two competent partners

The motivation behind the collaboration between LAMY and NeoLAB is to create a product that combines the benefits of the digital and analogue worlds. The LAMY safari ncode has achieved this. Quick notes or hand-drawn sketches on paper - the LAMY digital paper notebook makes it quick and easy.

Lecturing and presenting

Lecturing and presenting

Do you remember the overhead projector? Use the LAMY safari ncode set in your presentations as an interactive and personalised presentation method. Open the web app on your presentation screen, smartboard or beamer projection and write, sketch and visualise the content you want to share with your audience!

The app for the LAMY safari ncode

Everything written in the notebook is transferred to the “NeoStudio 2022” app and you can conveniently manage your files digitally. All you have to do is connect to your LAMY safari ncode once via Bluetooth. You can use the app to add new pages, organise notes or edit them later.

Apple's Logo indicating this app is to be downloaded on Apple's App Store
Google's Logo indicating this app is to be downloaded on Google's Play Store

Discover the LAMY safari ncode set

In addition to the LAMY safari ncode, the set also contains the LAMY digital paper notebook, a notebook with nano paper, and the app. The app can be used to transfer, organise and edit written content. The set was developed in collaboration with Neo.LAB

The product LAMY safari all black ncode Set Digital Writing is not engravable, costs from $189.00 and has the following available colors: $colors$
The product LAMY digital paper Notebook (ncode) Digital Writing is not engravable, costs from $27.00 and has the following available colors: $colors$

Organized in the office

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Jotting down, taking notes, recording

The main requirements of a pen: writing down thoughts, visualising ideas, recording findings and results. Requirements that LAMY writing instruments have reliably fulfilled for decades are available to you in the LAMY safari ncode offering the familiar writing experience – with the option of transferring everything directly to the app digitally.

Arranging, organising, structuring

All notes from the notebook are transferred to the app and you can conveniently manage your files digitally. All you have to do is connect to your LAMY safari ncode once via Bluetooth. You can use the app to add new pages, sort notes or edit them later.

Mindmap, brainstorm, moodboard

Sketching ideas, visualising motions and developing concepts: thinking tools help to concretise thoughts and put them on paper – or in the app. The LAMY safari ncode transports the benefits of writing by hand into the digital world.

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FAQs about the LAMY safari ncode

This is exclusively the LAMY safari ncode in the system with the LAMY digital paper notebook and the app "Neo Studio 2022".

There are some occasions when nothing can replace the feeling of writing with a high-quality fountain pen on paper. But ncode technology, with its intuitive and hybrid functionality, offers additional options for creating, editing and sharing digital documents or for combining the analogue and digital worlds when painting and drawing

To do this, press and hold the button on the LAMY safari ncode for at least 15 seconds. This will restart it.

To replace the refill of the LAMY safari ncode, it is best to pull it out with your thumb and index finger. Insert the new refill into the opening at the bottom of the LAMY safari ncode. Please refer to the user manual.

FAQs about the LAMY safari ncode in detail

Battery & Charging

Insert one plug of the included cable (USB-A to mini-USB) into the socket at the top of the LAMY safari ncode and the other plug into a standard power supply with a USB-A socket. In principle, charging on a laptop or iPad is also possible. Please note that the stated charging times for a full charge refer to charging with a power adapter. The exact specifications for a suitable power supply are: 5 V DC, min. 0.5 A, max. 3 A (15W).

In principle yes, but not with the charging cable included in delivery.


With continuous use, the battery lasts about 11 hours. Please note, however, that – as with any battery – performance can decrease over time.

If the LED of the LAMY safari ncode lights up red, the battery level is below 20%. At less than 10% it flashes red.

Insert one plug of the included cable (USB-A to mini-USB) into the socket at the top of the LAMY safari ncode and the other plug into a standard power supply with a USB-A socket. In principle, charging on a laptop or iPad is also possible. Please note that the stated charging times for a full charge refer to charging with a power adapter. The exact specifications for a suitable power supply are: 5 V DC, min. 0.5 A, max. 3 A (15W).


Yes, the LAMY safari ncode LED flashes blue while charging and remains solid blue once the battery is fully charged.

The LAMY safari ncode LED flashes blue while charging and remains solid blue once the battery is fully charged.

The LAMY safari code switches off after 20 minutes of inactivity.

The exact specifications for a suitable power supply are: 5 V DC, min. 0.5 A, max. 3 A (15W).

Device details

Yes, the refill of the LAMY safari ncode is available as a single spare part and can be replaced in the event of damage or wear. The replacement can be carried out independently.

To replace the refill of the LAMY safari ncode, it is best to pull it out with your thumb and forefinger. Insert the new refill into the opening at the bottom of the LAMY safari ncode. Please note the operating instructions:

The LAMY safari code was developed in collaboration with our partner NeoLAB. LAMY develops exclusively in Heidelberg in Germany, NeoLAB is based in Seoul, South Korea.

The LAMY safari ncode is currently available in the following color:
- all black

The LAMY safari ncode is designed for writing on (appropriate) paper, whereby the typeface is directly digitized. The other products in the digital writing area are writing devices that can be used to write directly on the surface of a tablet.
Please do not write with a LAMY safari code on a tablet surface!


It is difficult to give precise information as this depends very much on individual handling and use.


The special features of the LAMY safari ncode are...
- the hand-organic design of the LAMY safari ncode
- the hybrid approach to digital writing: analogue writing with simultaneous digital transmission of the written image

A replacement cap can be purchased via the LAMY safari ncode sales point or directly in the LAMY eShop.

Unfortunately, engraving the LAMY safari code is currently not logistically possible for private customers. For individualization solutions in the business customer area, please contact:

All LAMY safari cap models/writing instruments with a cap look the same from above. So that you can immediately see from this perspective which writing instrument you want to remove, we have put codes in the form of simple characters on the caps. Cross for fountain pens, line/slot for rollerball pens, compass star for digital writing instruments and slot with circle for ink cartridge rollerballs.


Like a ballpoint pen, the intensity of the writing diminishes over time. Then waxing the tip helps. Please pay attention to the operating instructions.

The exact storage capacity per page depends on the extent to which the page is written. It's about 150 pages.

The exact storage capacity per page depends on the extent to which the page is written. It's about 150 pages.

The LAMY safari ncode saves the recorded image on an internal, local memory. When the typeface is transferred to the app, the typeface is transferred to the app. Please refer to the app's data protection notice to find out which data is stored locally on your device and which in the cloud and which companies handle the cloud hosting.

This is the LAMY M21, it can be purchased separately in retail stores or in the LAMY eShop:

How it works

The LAMY safari code is switched on by briefly pressing the power button at the top. When switching on for the first time, the button must be held down for 15 seconds.

On the one hand, the shape of the tip itself is severely deformed, deformed, and worn on one side. It should be replaced. Due to this, but also due to other factors that may not be clearly visible, the quality of use (font, precision, latency, etc.) may be impaired. This is the right moment for a tip change.
The cap provides maximum protection for the tip against external influences, at least while the LAMY safari ncode is not being used.

No, not at the same time. The LAMY safari ncode can only be paired with one device at a time.

The most current and compatible app is the “NeoStudio2022” app from Neolab Convergence.

The “Neo Notes” app is not compatible with the LAMY safari code. The most current and compatible app is the “NeoStudio2022” app from Neolab Convergence.

The most current and compatible app is the “NeoStudio2022” app from Neolab Convergence. However, the packaging and the operating instructions were designed, produced and assembled before the new app - "Neo Studio 2022" - was published.

The ncode system consists of the following components:
- Pen: "LAMY safari ncode"
- Notebook: "LAMY digital paper Notebook"
- Smartphone or tablet
- App: “Neo Studio 2022” (as of late 2024)

Open the new notebook and start writing.
Please make sure to use the recommended app (“Neo Studio 2022”, as of late 2024). Please ensure you are using a compatible Digital Paper Notebook.

Open the app, in the top left corner the pen symbol now has a number in a white filled circle. Tap this icon. In the next step you can select the “Transfer pen data” button.
In order for the LAMY safari ncode to save notes, please ensure that it is turned on and that a compatible Digital Paper Notebook is being used.

In addition to its function as a bookmark, by tapping the tip of the LAMY safari ncode on one of the colors and line widths, you can edit it for the transfer of the typeface to the digital notebook when typing. So if you tap on the color red and the thick line width, your typeface will be transferred with a thick red line from that point on. It has no effect on the analog typeface.

Please make sure the camera lens is cleaned. This can be done at irregular intervals using a microfiber cloth or a cotton swab.

The part of the refill ballpoint pen writes on all suitable documents. The digital transfer of the typeface only works on compatible digital paper notebooks.

To do this, hold down the LAMY safari ncode button for at least 15 seconds. This causes a restart.
Please make sure the LAMY safari code is charged. Please use the included cable for charging.

No. Please do not write with the LAMY safari code on the display of an iPad. For more information about digital writing instruments for writing on the iPad, visit our website:

No. Please do not write on the display of a tablet with the LAMY safari code. For more information about digital writing instruments for writing on tablets, visit our website:

No. Please do not write on the display of a tablet with the LAMY safari ncode. For more information about digital writing instruments for writing on tablets, visit our website:

The “Neo Studio 2022” app has handwriting recognition, which can recognize letters. Handwriting recognition does not learn your personal handwriting. Handwriting recognition is not trained on your handwriting. Handwriting recognition occurs exclusively in conjunction with the app; the LAMY safati ncode itself does not have any technology to recognize and capture the content of the written image.

The “Neo Studio 2022” app has handwriting recognition, which can recognize letters. Handwriting recognition does not learn your personal handwriting. Handwriting recognition is not trained on your handwriting. Handwriting recognition occurs exclusively in conjunction with the app; the LAMY safati ncode itself does not have any technology to recognize and capture the content of the written image.

No. A connection can only be established via Bluetooth.

Handwriting recognition can also recognize classic cursive letters. This happens within the app.
 As a rule of thumb, if your handwriting can be easily read by another person, there is a good chance that the app will recognize your handwriting successfully.

The typeface of two languages ​​is always recognized, that of the selected language and English. A list of supported languages ​​can be found on the website of the company that provides the handwriting recognition technology:

Try resetting the LAMY Safari code. To do this, hold down the LAMY safari ncode button for at least 15 seconds. If you are unsuccessful, please contact our customer service.

You can write on up to approximately 150 A5 pages without transferring code from the LAMY safari to the paired app. If you transfer the content stored on the LAMY safari ncode again and again, there is no limit to how many notebooks you can write to.

Installation & Configuration

Please make sure you are using the appropriate app. The most current and compatible app is the “NeoStudio2022” app from Neolab Convergence.

Pairing with an app works best if you first open the app and then turn on the LAMY safari ncode.

The LAMY safari ncode is connected to an app called “Neo Studio 2022”. This app is available for iPad, iPhone and most Android-based devices. It is currently not available for MacOS or Windows. Download the app from the Apple AppStore or Google PlayStore, open it, enable Bluetooth access for this app if necessary and switch on the LAMY safari code.

The pairing takes place within the app. In the “Neo Studio 2022” app there is a small pen symbol at the top left; in the unconnected status it is crossed out. Turn on the LAMY safari ncode and then tap the icon.

Turn off the paired LAMY safari ncode. Turn on the additional LAMY safari ncode and begin the pairing process.

To do this, hold down the LAMY safari ncode button for at least 15 seconds.


The LAMY safari ncode is connected to an app called “Neo Studio 2022”. This app is available for iPad, iPhone and most Android-based devices. It is currently not available for MacOS or Windows. You can find the current list of devices that this app supports in the AppStore or PlayStore.
App AppStore:
Google PlayStore:

The easiest way to do this is to restart. When the tablet restarts, either a white bitten apple appears or a green robot symbol that looks a bit like R2D2 from StarWars. The apple appears on an iPad tablet running iPadOS; the green robot symbol appears on Google's Android.

Yes, with all Digital Paper notebooks, except those from Moleskine.

It is compatible with all Digital Paper notebooks, except those from Moleskine.

Yes, with all Digital Paper notebooks, except those from Moleskine.


Yes. The LAMY safari code is connected to an app called “Neo Studio 2022”. This app is available for iPad, iPhone and most Android-based devices. It is currently not available for MacOS or Windows. You can find the current list of devices that this app supports in the AppStore or PlayStore.


No, not at the same time. The LAMY safari ncode can only be paired with one device at a time.

The “Neo Studio 2022” app is available for iPad, iPhone and Android. You can find detailed information about which devices are supported and which operating system is required in the AppStore or PlayStore.
App AppStore:
Google PlayStore:

Please use the “Neo Studio 2022” app (as of late 2024)

The “Neo Studio 2022” app is available for iPad, iPhone and Android. You can find detailed information about which devices are supported and which operating system is required in the AppStore or PlayStore.


The warranty period valid and stipulated by law in the respective countries applies.

Yes. The handwriting image is saved on the LAMY safari ncode until it is transferred to the app. The transmission takes place via Bluetooth. How the app stores the data can be found in the data protection declaration of the app used, which can be found in the AppStore or PlayStore.

LAMY pays the applicable disposal tax in each country. The LAMY safari ncode can be disposed of in every country and region in accordance with the regulations for the disposal of small electrical devices. Please find out about the relevant requirements and options on site.

The data protection information for the apps can be found in the AppStore or PlayStore.

Yes, with all Digital Paper notebooks, except those from Moleskine.


Yes. The LAMY safari code is connected to an app called “Neo Studio 2022”. This app is available for iPad, iPhone and most Android-based devices. It is currently not available for MacOS or Windows. You can find the current list of devices that this app supports in the AppStore or PlayStore.


No, not at the same time. The LAMY safari ncode can only be paired with one device at a time.

The “Neo Studio 2022” app is available for iPad, iPhone and Android. You can find detailed information about which devices are supported and which operating system is required in the AppStore or PlayStore.
App AppStore:
Google PlayStore:

Please use the “Neo Studio 2022” app (as of late 2024)

The “Neo Studio 2022” app is available for iPad, iPhone and Android. You can find detailed information about which devices are supported and which operating system is required in the AppStore or PlayStore.

Range of digital writing instruments

Writing on digital surfaces is the natural evolution of writing by hand. To date, however, there is no other manufacturer of digital writing instruments that, in addition to the technical aspect, also has mastered hand ergonomics, which is so important for healthy and fatigue-free writing.

The LAMY safari ncode can be purchased at the following locations:
- in the LAMY eShop:
- in specialist retailers, here you will find a list of specialist retailers where the LAMY safari ncode is listed.

Made in Germany

We are a company from Heidelberg and are one of the leading German manufacturers of writing instruments.


According to the Bauhaus principle “form follows function”, design for us is a holistic approach that goes beyond pure product design.


From technology and materials to production, our high quality standards run through the entire value chain.

Thinking tools

Our tools for writing, drawing and painting help to create new forms of expression and make thoughts tangible.